Basic Development Errors.
Error 1: Table does not contain a valid time state key. A unique index needs to be marked as a valid time state key D365Basics (USR)[Muthu_Extension] C:\AOSService\PackagesLocalDirectory\KARYA_D365FO_Training\Muthu_Extension\AxTable\VAR_ChitMasterTable.xml 0 Solution : Whenever we set the 'Valid Time State Field Type' as Property for a table, needs to update following property. Table Property: W e need to map both 'Valid To' and 'Valid From' Columns in the Table Indexes. Set the Primary Index as 'VAR_ChitGUID_Idx'(Newly Created Index) Instead of "SurrogateKey" Index Property: Set "Alternate Key ": " Yes " in the Index property level. Set "Valid Time State Key" : " Yes " in the Index Property. Error 2: Warning BP Rule: [BPErrorTableFieldNotDefinedUsingType]:Path: [d...