D365 FO-Legal Entity Creation

The first step of the D365 FO is create legal entity.


              Modules >> Organizations administration >> Legal entities  >> New

Screen 1.0

Name : Indicates the name of the organizations

Company : Unique code of Organizations
                     Note : Max 4 Character

Region : Region of the company. Based on the region                     necessary fields will enable for the                                   organizations.

Screen 1.1

In hierarchy : It will update once if the organizations having the parent company.

Use for financial consolidation process : Consolidate the financial data once Business will run between two legal entities (Parent & Child)

Use for financial elimination process : Eliminate the transaction between the two legal entities            (Parent & Child)

Language : Language for the legal entity.

Time zone: D365 supports the multi location and multiple legal entities. Time zone for the region (legal entity).

Screen 1.2

Screen 1.2.1
Note : This will load automatically once you create the
legal entity(screen 1). If you want update more
information click "Edit".

Once update the full address of the legal entity, save and go the Address >> More Options and select the default address.

Screen 1.3
Add the contact person details of the legal entity(organization). Check the primary checkbox, if the contact person is a primary.

Customer wants to update only one branches or subsidiary information update her, more than two legal entity you can't update here, simply exclude this.

Based on the legal entity region, fields will gray out.
Update the initial capital here.

Update the default bank account details for any credit to the organizations like bank interest,
Government subsidiary

Number Seq will automatically update, will run the generate options under the navigation of

Organizations administration >> Number Sequence >> Generate.

Note: Single DB for store all our legal entity.

This and all optional, if you have any additional registration number update under the section of "Additional registration".

Set the company own dashboard or else use the default one.

Upload the company logo, This logo will update for all the report while you print.

Set the print option here. either "screen" or "pdf".

Update the Tax registration number.

Tax 1099 - only in USA region

Tax information - India specific region


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